Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 1 - Healthy Wage


The weight is over.

The wait is over.

Get it?  Of course you do!  And since it took me ten minutes to figure out a web address that wasn't already in use - with my oh-so-clever play on words - I'm guessing that a LOT of people already had the same wait/weight/overweight pun in their minds.

But - I care not!

I'm using it anyway because- for me? The wait - and the weight - IS over.  I've been up and down for twenty years and this. is. it.

What makes this time any different?  I already felt like this time was really gonna be different - and then, this fun challenge came along!!!  Healthy Wage.  

I set a goal of losing 35 pounds in 11 months.  I "bet" that I'll accomplish this goal.  I win money when I win the contest.

how much?  $2150.  They figure out each person's prize money based on how much they're willing to bet, how much weight they have to lose, and how much time it will take to lose it.

The prize money is awesome, and I am totally psyched that I know I can do this!  I know I can make my goals!!!  But it's not the prize money that's gonna keep me motivated.  It's actually the fact that I WILL NOT and CANNOT WASTE the money that I'll bet.

I don't even want to think about losing that money!  It's not even an option.  I WILL make my goal.

And that thought - totally excites me! :)

My family and friends are 100% behind me and that feels amazing! Feels good to have cheerleaders! :)

So today is day 1!  Got my initial weight from my doctor this morning.... uploaded my form and my photo to Healthy Wage... placed my "bet".... and now it's time to get to work!

Here I go!!!  :)

Wanna see my first video log?
Click Day 1 Video Log to see it


  1. so cool to be able to see your posts from when you began your "Healthy Wage."

    1. Thanks Felicity!!!!! :) I hope that it encourages you on your own journey! i have some funny things - some hard things... and well - mostly funny things! hahahaha i think its always good to laugh :) makes the journey more fun - don't you think? :) so glad to meet you in the forums - and i'll definitely be keeping an eye on you!!! ;) Le


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