Thursday, June 18, 2015

when the mice are away....

My "mice" went away to camp this week.  So this kitty-cat played!  :)

I had every intention of relaxing, and relax, I did.  Hubby and I went to the beach, went shopping (for my beauty-licious sneaks), went out to eat..... twice.  (gulp)

then spent the day with my sister and her kids yesterday and went out for pho and Vietnamese egg rolls.... (gulp gulp)

and today.  its a triple gulp day.  I am going to hang out with my BFF (no gulps there)  who happens to own the Bacon A-Fair stands at the fair. (insert triple gulp .... now)

let me say that one more time for all of you who weren't really paying attention.

she and her hubby own Bacon A-Fair stands.  and I'm going to hang out with her.  at the fair.  LOL

so i have already planned on the healthy food i'm eating.

mushrooms!  grilled mushrooms!!!!!  healthy, right???  good choice! high five!

they're just mushrooms......... stuffed with Gouda cheese, wrapped in bacon.... and grilled!

they're the Porkobello kabobs - dead center on the sign above.
mmmmm  tasty, delicious, bacon-y goodness.

but that's all i'm eating.  i'm not eating their bacon-wrapped turkey legs.  or their fries, fried in oil and bacon fat.  or their chocolate covered bacon... and i'm staying far away from their Mexican funnel cake stand - which is pretty much like 5 pounds of heaven on a plate.  i'm .... ONLY... eating the mushrooms.  ok?

i know. i know.  i'm in trouble.  they are the tastiest treats at the fair - in my humble opinion.  but I mean - i MUST eat something.  and I'm NOT bringing my meals to walk around with.

so.  dude.  it's life.

or as my awesome Russian teacher (and awesome friend, Vadim) says... "это жизнь."

and when life hands you bacon -  you eat it, man.  you just eat it.

I am fully prepared to see the scale on Saturday morning.  and I think - quite possibly - for the first time in my life - i'm not gonna be scared.  or disappointed.

because this week was fun.  like - F.U.N.  kind of fun. and believe it or not - i actually DID try to make good choices when I went out.  and i DID work out e'ry day!!!!!

and most importantly - i enjoyed myself!  :)    sooooooooo.

my mice will be back on Saturday morning.  and life, as we know it, will return to normal. and though I had fun this week - I am actually looking forward to predictability and returning to the routine of eating well and working out and losing weight and oh yeah....winning my prize money ;)

and if the scale says i maintained-  no problem!

and if the scale says i went up a pound -  i'll just force a tight smile and shake it off!

and if the scale says i went up two pounds, there will be a new "scale-shaped" hole in my bathroom wall.

no biggie.

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