Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fed Up

We just watched the documentary Fed Up.

crazy. crazy. crazy.  If you haven't seen it - you might want to take a night to watch it.  It's streaming on Netflix.  only 90 minutes.

Food companies with money (lots of money) have the ability ... and the power... to do a LOT of damage to the food industry as a whole.

But thankfully, with knowledge comes power.

If you don't live in a food desert (places that don't have access to fresh food)  then you have just as much access to healthy food as you do to processed junk. And you have the power to make changes with the choices you make.

Food companies will never stop making things that make them money. (They are a business that answers to stockholders - it does not surprise me that they will go to any length to make money.  It does not surprise me that they put their dollars above our health.)  But if they start to see a decrease in their sales - they WILL start listening to the public. If there is money to be made, (or money to be lost!) they WILL listen to the public!

Want a perfect example?  10 years ago, how many gluten free options were in the stores?

and now?

People made that happen with their dollars.

Do yourself a favor and break the habit.  Stop the sugar addiction.  Kill the carb addiction.

The following movies are all movies that we've seen as a family and all have fantastic messages.  We've not followed one philosophy completely.  We have done our homework and researched, and we've adopted a compilation of things that make sense for OUR family.  and you should do the same!
But after watching amazing documentaries like:

Food, Inc.
King Corn
Forks over Knives
Back to Eden (you can watch this one for free on his website )
Food Matters
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

 ...we've started to become a lot more informed and have started the life-long change to whole, fresh, organic, LOCAL foods.

It's not a perfect, smooth transition.  We STILL have junk every once in a while.  But let me tell you, I can see that my body works MUCH better (and we get sick less often) eating a lot less junk food.  and when you do eat junk occassionally - your body is in a position where it's a LOT healthier to deal with the junk faster and more efficiently.  Eating junk once a month is a lot different than eating it every day.

I know... you think ... junk food might be poison, but it's tasty, delicious poison!  lolol

yeah hahaha - it's pretty addicting.  It's actually formulated to be as addicting as it possibly can be!
Watch Fed Up and find out just how addicting sugar is compared to cocaine.  I think you might be surprised...

but you know what?  the longer you're away from junk - the nastier it seems.

There are things that would appeal to me in the past - that now??? ughhhh gross.  It looks fake, tastes fake and makes me feel sick FAST.

I really do recommend that you watch a few of those documentaries.  I don't think you'll be sorry you did.

I'd love to hear from any readers ( or fellow HealthyWage peeps) if they've seen a huge difference from cutting sugar.  What's been your experience?  Or... did you see the movie and feel differently?  or... did you see the movie and you're inspired to kick the habit? After seeing it, I felt VERY strongly about the parents' role in this whole thing.  what do you think?

you can post here - or if you're on the HealthyWage forum- feel free to just reply to my comment that i posted!  :)

i'm gonna jump off my soapbox now and get into bed to sleep!

;)  night!


  1. I think I've watched most of those documentaries you mentioned. They definitely had a big impact after watching them, but it has taken me about a year to fully get on the "wagon." As you know, I've cut out processed foods that include sugar, dairy and JUNK. Although here and there I might have a piece of cheese, for the most part I stay away from it all. It was hard in the beginning, but as you said once you get those things out of your body they become GROSS to you and even now when I do indulge in something processed it makes my body (and mind) feel TERRIBLE!! Since getting off of processed foods I can honestly say I have no more cravings or binges. They make that processed crap to make you want to keep eating it, it's an addiction, so you have to ween yourself off to understand how bad it really does make you feel. I'm so thankful that I believe I have FINALLY seen the light and don't plan on ever going back to my old eating habits!

    1. Jen, i could not agree with you more!!!! we're not completely on the wagon either hehehe but we've made such a huge difference in our lives with good choicesl i love that we have OPTIONS of good choices that are lining the pockets of local farmers - and NOT food barons!


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