Monday, August 3, 2015

$10,000 - we want it!


Not only do i have an individual challenge with Healthy Wage - but now.... 4 other hard-core chicks and I  (hey girls!!!)  have formed a team to go HARD for the $10,000 team challenge!

so i need you all to be rooting for us!  :)

it ends November 20th and I SOOOO want to come back here and say WE WON! WE WON!  :)

When it officially begins - I'll share our team name and our team picture hehehe

but for now - ughhhh you have to wait... and I have to wait!  (i HATE waiting)

I'm excited though - because like i said - this is the perfect time for me to try some other things that I've been hesitant to try because of potential weight gain.  But now - while I'm waiting in the wings for this challenge to start - I can add these things into my routine without any fear of gaining weight - at least for a little while!

But when the start date begins - i want to be BACK to my birthday goal weight and ready to hit the ground running!

i feel like a horse at the starting gate - ready to break through!!!

I'm ready! put me in, Coach!  :)
But for now... i need to gather steam!  Maintain an even burn.  Build some muscle.  and when that gun goes off.... watch out!  :)

i'm super excited!!!!  Root for us!  we want it BAD!!! :)


  1. We Won, We Won, We Won -- because we already have!!!!


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