Friday, July 31, 2015

week 13 weigh in

just kidding!  there is no weigh in this week.

i'm taking the week off from weighing in.  why, you ask?

wellllll.....  i'm so glad you asked - and i'll tell you!

next week.

but this week - I'll be doing some new things.  and they potentially will be making me gain a little weight. (hopefully just a LITTLE)

I couldn't risk the weight gain before - but it turns out that right now is the PERRRRRFECT time to add this into my routine.

Sorry to be so elusive - but I'll share it all very soon :)   I promise!

i'm so super excited, and i think my Christmas present this year to myself is gonna be the best Christmas present evaaaaa!
woo hoo!!! :)

yummmmmm part 2


this is the sound of me drooling like Homer Simpson when I took my pizza out of the oven.

mmmmmm pizzaaaaa.

and not just any pizza.  healthy pizza. nyum nyum!

it was good - but it could definitely be better  (and for those of you who are not familiar with gluten free crust - i suggest you DO NOT try this.  LOL you will NOT think it's good.  you will crave your chewy - glutenous - delcious crust that you are used to!)

but for those of you who are gluten free... ok here are my initial tweaks.

*** Second, time I ELIMINATED the baking powder from the original recipe.  Much better!

1. they used parchment paper - and a million people complained in the comments that it stuck to the paper like super glue.  i used non-stick foil with 1 tsp of olive oil.  popped right out.

2.  i think i used a 8 inch pan.  i should have used a bigger one. 9 or 10 even.  the crust was thicker than i would have liked it. if i can't have a chewy gluten-ish substitute - then i'd rather have thin crust.  ( Second time I made this - I made double the recipe - but THREE crusts in a 10 inch pie pan - PERFECT thickness, nice crispy thin crust!  After I baked it the first 15 minutes - I took it out of the pan and put it directly onto the oven try for 5-10 minute more- no pan.  loved it.)

3.  make sure you have a sauce that you adore. i tried a different sauce today and i'm kicking myself that i didn't go with my tried and true sauce. i think it would have been even better (Second time I made it - had a great sauce - soooo much better!)

4. i might put a little garlic powder and onion powder in the crust mix??  not sure. (Second time I made it, I added  2 tsp garlic powder, 2 tsp Italian seasoning, 1 tsp Himalayan salt, cracked pepper, and 1 tsp sweetener (i used Truvia - but I'm sure sugar would be fine)  Wow!  Adding these seasonings made a HUGE difference!  

Additional tweak - and i think this is VERY important!  After the crust is finished, I did NOT put sauce on first.  I split my cheese into two portions.  I put half of the cheese directly down on the crust and let it melt in the oven for 2 minutes.  Then, I spread sauce on top of the cheese, added the second portion of cheese and toppings ( i used bell pepper and red onions).Then back in the oven til cheese melts.  The reason why this is important is because when the sauce lays on top of the crust directly - it starts to soften the crust into a mushy grainy texture. yuck!  Putting half of the cheese between the sauce and the crust acts as a barrier that lets the crust stay yum!  :)  

for those of you that CAN have carbs and gluten - please don't feel guilty about eating normal pizza.  eat up!  enjoy! in moderation of course! :)

if you could have read the amount of "WHY AM I BEING MADE TO FEEL GUILTY" comments over this pizza that was labeled as "guilt free"  LOLOL  i'm serious - people were borderline lunatic. like "toss them in the padded room with the pretty wrap-around special jacket" kind of loony.  The things that we choose to take the time to throw a tantrum over - geez louise.   (myself included!)

everyone just needs to take a breath every once in a while, you know?  LOL

ok!  that's it for today - gaze upon my pizza if you desire.  ;)
looks good right???
why yes.... that is a bite out of the crust. LOL i wanted to see what it tasted like!!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

yum yum yum yum yum

oh good gracious.  come to me, my pretty.

(if for some reason the video doesn't load - here is the direct link from Cooking Light's website...
 and here is the written recipe from their website. )

if not for the 8 hour soak of the quinoa, i would be CHOWING down on this right now.... (don't skimp on that soak time -it gets rid of the bitterness of the quinoa)

but alas.  i started this too late in the evening, and now i will be having this for lunch tomorrow.

as far as my low-carbing, well... this will probably come very close to maxing me out for my carbs for the day.  but it's pizzzzzzzzzza.

'nuff said.

and - for those who care - its gluten free. woo hoo for us!  (my family and I are attempting 7 months being COMPLETELY gluten free.   you may cover your head with ashes and begin mourning for us now.  thank you for your compassion. )

but back to quinoa.  (and nope, you don't say kwin-oah.  you say keen-wah.  bravo! and you're welcome!)

I'm condensing some research i did on quinoa for you!  hope you're blown away by it and go try it!!! preferably in the pizza form ;)

quinoa is super nutritious.  like.... SUPER nutritious.  and get this - its non-GMO and usually grown organically.  seriously, i'm talking the SUPERMAN of all grains - but its not even a grain - its more in the seed category.

It's got "stuff"  (i'm not gonna get technical, as you can see lol) that is anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-depressant! you want some now, don't you.  :)

it's gluten free - its high in protein, high in essential amino acids, high  in fiber, a low glycemic index, high in magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iron (but soak the quinoa if you want these to be more bio-available) and it's high in anti-oxidants!!!

There's even MORE good stuff to be said about it - but... ah...i've said too much!

the ONLY downside for me - is that on my low-carb diet - it's not particularly LOW in carbs.  howevaaaaaa!

i'm not gonna eat this pizza ALLLLL the time.  ok well. not everyday.

so - i can incorporate it into my diet as long as i watch my carbs throughout the rest of the days when i have this gloriously adorned quinoa crust pizza.

and when i reach my goal weight?  yeah then i'm eating this bad boy e'rryday.  breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In a fog

I have no idea if it's just all in my head.... or if I'm really physically experiencing it, but I have such a foggy brain!

First, let me say - i do not regret ONE BITE of the delicious foods I ate on my birthday at my favorite Russian restaurant.

side note:  our hostess Ирина was shocked at how well I spoke Russian - and did not hesitate in speaking FAST Russian to me!! :)  I was not only able to keep up - but I was able to hold my own in responding!!!  AND our waitress Злата thought I must have lived in Russia or studied in Russia because she said my accent was "very super awesome"  hehehe  - this is a compliment more to my teachers (Olga and Vadim)  but I've worked hard too!  it was just another unexpected birthday gift!  :)

The food was just to die for!  and I had been soooo looking forward to it!  But I hadn't eaten so many carbs in a while, and I feel like my body has just been reintroduced to them in a way... LOL

and I just feel... I don't know - really - the best i can describe it is foggy.

beautiful foggy days on my mountain.... yep - i feel just like that. LOL

I'm sure my weight jumped up a bit - but I'm not at all worried.  I know it will come right back down with focus.  But I am kinda intrigued with the way that I feel mentally, physically, and even emotionally.

But to be fair - it might not be all related to carbs.  After all, I'm coming off of the high of my birthday challenge, and celebrations... and it just might be all tied together with settling back down into the daily routine.

School is right around the corner - summer is coming to an end - maybe it's just all related.

I think I just need to start looking towards the next challenge to get my engine going again!

but for now, the rest feels nice. I think I'll enjoy it for a little bit.  I worked hard and moderation in all things.  Challenge, rest, challenge, rest.  :)

But I can't wait for my next challenge!

Monday, July 27, 2015

$61.43 per pound

My fellow Healthy Wage member - Starr G. had an awesome post in the forums that I had to share.

She divided her prize money up per pound of weight loss!  so now - when she loses each pound - she tells herself that she just won that amount of money!

so i thought - awesome idea!!!!  i did the same with mine.

Every time I lose another pound - that's $61.43 dollars closer to $2150!!! :)

i LOVE this!!!!!  what great motivation!!!!

Thanks for sharing Starr!  :)

i had an amazing birthday yesterday!  But today - it's back on track!  This is gonna be a great year :)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Week 12 Birthday weigh in challenge (with video log)

When I weighed in on Thursday - i was creeping closer and closer to my birthday goal.

Friday, even closer.  but i wasn't sure if it was going to be close enough!!!

I started to prepare my heart for just not making my birthday goal - and I'm glad that I did.

As I started to really think about this journey - I started to think... its only been 12 weeks.  I still have a long way to go to reach my Healthy Wage goal - and even longer to reach my ULTIMATE goal, and it's not about hitting a specific number each week.  It's about the overall journey.

And I was really kinda impressed with my attitude.  My family can tell you - I can get obsessed over weight issues SUPER quick!!!  But I was really ok with whatever was going to be on the scale for Saturday.  I mean - I knew I worked hard and I gave it my all, and I was thinking - you know - Sunday is my birthday.  I shouldn't be freaking out about my weight on my birthday.  Why don't I just get my weight for Saturday like I've been doing (mostly)  and if I don't hit it - i'll for SURE hit it next Saturday.

I'm really happy with my contentment.  and that was a huge breakthrough to have that peace BEFORE looking at the scale.  The trick was going to be still having that peace even after I saw the number on the scale.

So here's my video for week 12!  Thanks for all the encouragement I've been getting from you all!  It's been super sweet and uplifting!

Friday, July 24, 2015

VIDEO: (Finally!) Week 11 weigh in

I'm serious.

Water is life.

but water retention is EVIIIIIIIIIIIL.  Evil, I say!!!!

but..... the good thing about water retention.  a couple of good hard workouts (and drinking MORE water to flush your system... go figure)  will make it all disappear almost as fast as it initially got soaked up into every single cell of your body like you were a freakin' camel.

Unfortunately, you shall see my imitation of a water retaining camel in this week's video.  yes, 'tis true.  blah!

i'm puffy!!!! wahhhhhh!

but i digress.

Yesterday, I posted my week 10 weigh in video.  Today i'm posting my week 11 (which was from July 19 -last week)  and I'll be posting my WEEK 12 BIRTHDAY WEEKEND WEIGH IN this weekend!!!!  I won't tell you HOW close - but i am SOOOOO close to reaching my birthday goal!!!!  (i think i can, i think i can, i think i can, i think i can....)

I usually weigh in on Saturdays.... but occasionally Sundays. And this week, I'm tempted to weigh in on Sunday (which is my BIRTHDAY - in case somehow you missed it LOL wooo hoooo!) to get in one more day of exercise!  hehehe i reeeeeeeeally want to make this goal!

and yeah yeah yeah!!! i DO remember - my pants fell right down off my hips this week while jogging this week!

and yeeeeees.... i DID find out that I had put on my extremly thin 14 year old son's shirt for my week 10 weigh in video LOLOL (Click here if you haven't seen it yet) We are STILL laughing about that - no wonder why the v-neck was so high! LOL

I don't really use measuring tape to measure my loss - so it's nice to be able to fit smaller clothes..

or know - have your pants fall off. LOLOL

so yeah! hehe those are great bday gifts even if i don't make my goal.  but i SO want to make my goal!!!

i want it i want it i want it!!!!

ok enough of my whining.  here's my water retaining camel week 11 weigh in from last week!!! haha!

only 2 days left til my bday!!!  (and yes, its my shirt.  with the NORMAL v neck.  not a v neck that's up around my throat!! LOL)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

VIDEO: (Finally!) Week 10 Weigh in

Wow. 10 weeks!  (Remember - this was from 2 weeks ago! July 11, i think?)

2.5 months down!  :)

I got all my new workout videos in (used on Amazon - so cheap!!!) .... AND the kids and I have been saving up for a xbox with kinnect - and we are getting that in any day now!  can't wait to do Just Dance 4 - so fun!!!!

but my favorite favorite favorite workout DVD of all time - is JULIANNE HOUGH'S ballroom dancing workout.  ohhhhhhhhh my gosh.  love love love it.

Treadmill is still broken, but i'm making the best of it!  the flies are finally GONE.  (back to Hades from which they came!!!!)  so i was able to take a beautiful walk outside a few times.

Missing the jogging on my treadmill... i can jog outside - but i live on a mountain... so... eh.

my new diet is pretty awesome!!!  it's a cool break from 6 week body makeover!

enjoying it and the weight is coming off pretty steadily!
Here is my video for week 10.

and i was too tired to put make-up on.... so just watch with one eye half-open!  ;)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

and my pants fell down

yep.  London "breeches" falling down.. LOLOL  i just seriously laughed out loud at my own joke.

well,  is this fodder for humiliation?

or high fives all around????


yes yes yes. i'm so not kidding.

Today, I decided to step it up a notch and just see how fast I could hit a mile.  and I hit my own personal record.... which I will be attempting to beat, second by second, until I blow my own mind.

so - I've got a nice little walking pace to warm it up, and then it's time to kick it up to a trot.  I'm not ready to go full gallop yet - but i thought i'd try a canter.  (sorry, but horse terms seem to apply best lol)

and i feel my running pants are a little loose. but no biggie.  i mean - i'm trying to beat a record here. i have no time to stop to adjust!!!!

and then. slip.  right off the hips.

no one was around (i think) so i wasn't too embarrassed, but once i got over the shock, i seriously wanted to stop and do the happiest dance of all.

just get on up and get on down with James Brown.

my pants fell off my hips..... cuzzzzz my hippies are smaller.   YEAH BOYEEEEEEE!

SO!  the scale does not seem to be cooperating with me for my birthday goal. i don't know why it hates me.  but it does.

HOWEVERRRRR,  if for some reason, I do not make my birthday goal.... i just got an early birthday present that made me pretty stinkin happy.

happy birthday to meeeeeeee

cuz scales can tell you one thing.  but pants falling down off your shrinking hips??? yeah.  that's much better than a number on a scale.

(but i still want to see that number! LOLOL)

Monday - walked 5 miles with my daughter. danced with Paula Abdul.  played for a while on the kinect (that's really a good workout AND super fun!!)

Tuesday - walked 5 miles.  too tired to dance with Julianne today.  a few songs on the kinect.  (no joke! it really does make you sweat and LAUGH)

Wednesday - PR'd on my 1 mile time.  danced with Julianne.  will walk 3 miles later with my daughter

i PROMISE!!! tomorrow i will post weigh in week 10 video.  Thursday i will post  weigh in week 11 video.  They are just sitting on my computer waiting to see if i hit my week 12 birthday goal - which i will post on Saturday!  :)  i thought it would be more fun to do it all at once ;)

i'm telling you - i am on a MISSION.  let's go birthday goal, let's go!

Monday, July 20, 2015

this one is ONLY for the ladies....

which i'm sure means that every MAN is now reading it. LOL

but dude. you were warned.

you're still here?  ok then.

last chance to leave if you have a Y chromosome.






(Men.... I am now actively ignoring that you are stubbornly continuing to read, and if you're damaged for life for reading this.  too bad.  i told you to go.)

Dearest Ladies,
My sisters from another mister.
Why do periods exist?


I'm soooooooooo upset!  And i'm know i'm not being rational.  at ALL.

which is part of the gloriousness of our bodies and what they do once a month.


but I took my week 11 update video last night, and I could already see all the water retention I would be battling this week.  the difference between week 10 video  and week 11 is UNBELIEVABLE. (i know i know... you haven't seen them yet.  but you will.  YOU WILLLLL.  they will both be uploaded this week together, back to back, with week 12)

back to my whining....

i'm so PUFFY in week 11. SOOOO PUFFFFFYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!

and then... this morning I woke up.  and i'm not kidding you.  I look like someone took a tire pump and inflated my face!!!!

And i feel like - any other week - ok.. no worries. just keep working at it. Sweet Leah, calm down.  Water doesn't stay forever.

(ok that's a LIE from the pit of hell. any other week, and i'd STILL be moaning.  but.... but... but...)

But THIIIISSSSS week - it's not just water from just like... eating a salty meal.  it's hormones.  it's bloating in every nook and cranny.  and it's my stupid hormones!!!!  AND it's my BIRTHDAY GOAL week.... WAHHHH!!  and my freaking hormones are on a rampage!!!!!!  i feel like i just wanna push over a table full of glass tchotchkes and watch them shatter to a billion pieces.  and then get some boots on and stomp them even more.  and then kick a few across the room.  and punch a teddy bear in the gut.


hormones... and bloating.   ya follow?


yep.  I think my hormones are just a teeny bit out of whack today. I'm living in the most extreme hyperbole portion of my brain and this is going to be the worst birthday of my LIFE.  and quite possibly i'll never ever ever lose another pound again. like - ever. from now until the end of time!!!!!

because rationality has been mercilessly DROWNED in a rolling sea of sucky water retention.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Week 11 update -no video.... YET! ;)

Remember - I'm not posting week 10's video log or week 11's video log until this weekend when I see if I reached my week 12 BIRTHDAY goal!!!!  so you'll just have to wait til the end of this week and then i'll post all 3 weigh in videos back to back.  maybe i'll upload week 10 on thursday, week 11 on friday - and then i'll upload me hitting my birthday goal (how's that for confidence??)  on Saturday!!!  :)

but let me just say....

Last week was INSANITY.

I wasn't able to do anything on any type of schedule.  Teaching everyday, exhausted, missing meals, not drinking enough water, drinking too much water, no sleep,  heavy costume, energizing kids.... SO FUN - wouldn't trade it for anything.

but who scheduled this the week before my birthday goal???  aghhh!  come on!  LOL

that's ok - cuz this week is going to be ON.  I'm waking up tomorrow and hitting the ground running.

I'm gonna reach my goal or die trying ;)

let's gooooooooo!!!! let's do this!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for choreographing my new fitness routine, Anthony.  I'm doing this all day, everyday.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Biting my nails....

Tomorrow is my last day of teaching - and i'm ready for it.  I LOVE those kids!!! but wow - what a wonderfully exhausting week!!!!

The worst part has been my inability to eat when and what i'm supposed to all the time.

I haven't had the chance to exercise much this week either.  I'm not SUPER worried.  but i am a little nervous.

no... nervous is the wrong word.
i just keep thinking about my birthday being right around the corner!  

But next week - I'm gonna be totally focused and back on track again.  I'm just gonna try my hardest to hit my mark!  That's all i can do!

but i reeeeeeeeeeeeally want to hit that target.  i hope i hope i hope!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

SpelunkaLele! :)

So this week I'm the Bible story teacher for VBS.  and our team is always amaaaaaaazing!
We have awesome costumes - incredible decorations - and tons of energy to love on all these kids and show them the love of Christ!

This year I'm a spelunker - lol  and my room is decorated like a cave.  It's insanely cool and such a fun place for the kids to head into my cave to listen to the teaching for the day

I waited WAY too long to get my costume this year.  Literally - i was going to the thrift store (the absolute BEST place to get costumes.  seriously - its nuts what you can find!!!!)  and i had an hour before they closed and I was praying the whole time "Please God, Please let me find my costume!!!"

well i did.  but i didn't try it on.
it looked like it would fit.  mostly. LOL

i tried it on  - and if i hadn't lost weight - i would have been in very big trouble.  I zipped it up and this thing fit like a glove in some places LOL  but it worked!!!! hooray!!!!  i ended up being a very happy spelunker - and of course - my name was SpelunkaLele. hehehehe

Here's to losing weight and feeling great!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Weigh in week 10

So, I was going back and forth - trying to determine if i wanted to try this new diet for my birthday challenge.

and i thought.... NO.  I'm not gonna try anything new right now.  What I'm doing is working for me, slowly but surely - and I need to just stick with it and see where I'm at on my birthday!

And then.... I inadvertently tried it.  You're probably thinking - how in the world can you inadvertently TRY something?!?!

well - its a long story - but i did - and to my shock and surprise.  it worked.
 and.... its still working.

But!  I'm still really nervous.  I keep feeling like it's too good to be true.

so!  I'm not going to weigh in here until July 26.

I want to kinda.... just wait and see.  I want to keep moving forward and not be tied down to the scale right now.  I just want to focus on my eating and my exercising and not have to start getting anxiety on every Wednesday cuz i know the weigh in day is Saturday! LOLOL

so.... be patient with me :)

in 16 more days - I'll post my progress.

Until then - hope you're all doing wonderfully!  And keep up the great work!  and don't give up!
Le :)

Monday, July 6, 2015

VIDEO: Week 9 weigh in

Sorry I'm 2 days late posting this!

But we had a super fun 4th of July on Saturday!
I only have 20 more days until my birthday!  and how many pounds do i need to lose to make it to my Weight Category D????

well... you can find out in the video ;)

but i'm a happy girl again ;)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Challenge accepted!!!!

First of all, i hope you all had a safe and happy 4th of July!   We saw GREAT fireworks!!! and had a super fun day at a community park - dancing, laughing, relaxing.... and they were selling these little bubble machines and it seemed like every child under 4 had one.  The air was filled with bubbles the whole day.  I'm not kidding!  hehehehe but it was very sweet and youthful and almost like a fairy tale ;)    i had a GREAT day!

I was supposed to do my weigh in video yesterday and got side-tracked with getting ready for the fourth and didn't do it!  argh.

but i did weigh in!  and i'll try to do my video tonight and post it so i can post my progress ;)

now - the challenge that I accepted for this week!

I just read an article by exercise physiologist Greg Landry about the top 10 reasons to work out in the morning.  and i thought they were great!  so i wanted to re-post them and share them with you.  The challenge is to wake up every day (at the same time preferably) and work out for at least 20 minutes.... I'm gonna do it this week!  :)  Here are the reasons that Greg Landry gives for exercising in the morning:

1. Over 90% of people who exercise *consistently*, exercise in the morning.

2. When you exercise early in the morning, it "jump starts" your metabolism and keeps it elevated for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours! That means you're burning more calories all day long just because you exercised in the morning! (ok, as someone who wants a faster metabolism... i love this reason most of all!!!)

3. When you exercise in the morning you'll be *energized* for the day! (i can attest to this!)

4. Many people find that morning exercise "regulates" their appetite for the day - that they aren't as hungry and that they make better food choices. (also.... true!  I don't know if it's psychological?? but I do feel like I took the time to start my day off right - so i don't want to screw it up during the day!)

5. If you exercise at about the same time every morning, and ideally wake-up at about the same time on a regular basis, your body's endocrine system and circadian rhythms adjust to that. Physiologically, some wonderful things begin to happen; A couple of hours *before* you awaken, your body begins to prepare for waking and exercise because it "knows" it's about to happen. Why? Because it "knows" you do the same thing just about everyday. You benefit from that in several ways...

  •  It's MUCH easier to wake-up. When you wake-up at different times everyday, it confuses your body and thus it's never really “prepared" to awaken.

  • Your metabolism and all the hormones involved in activity and exercise begin to elevate while you're sleeping. Thus, you feel more alert, energized, and ready to exercise when you do wake-up.

  • Hormones prepare your body for exercise by regulating blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow to muscles, etc.

6. For many people, that appointed time every morning becomes something they look forward to. It's time they've set aside to do something good for themselves - to take care of their body, mind, and soul. Many find that it's a great time to think clearly, pray, plan their day, or just relax mentally.

7. Research has demonstrated that exercise increases mental acuity. On average it lasts four to ten hours after exercise! No sense in wasting that brain power while you're sleeping.  (well that's cool!)

8. Exercise first thing in the morning is really the only way to assure that something else won’t crowd exercise out of your schedule. When your days get hectic, exercise usually takes a back seat! (also very true... as my day gets later, my schedule gets more hectic - and I never feel like I can take time away from my increasingly busy day to get my exercise in!)

9. If finding time to exercise is difficult, anyone can get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier to exercise (if it's a priority in your life). If necessary, you can go to sleep a little earlier. Also, research has demonstrated that people who exercise on a regular basis have a higher quality of sleep and thus require less sleep!  (hm!  that's interesting!  i have always preferred to be awake vs. sleeping LOL  I've tried to sleep more because I know that sleep is important in losing weight.   but I'd love it if I could get fewer (high quality) hours of sleep!)

10. You'll feel GREAT! DO IT! :)  (yes.... true again.  In the beginning, getting out of that warm bed to jump around in your living room and work up a sweat doesn't sound exciting.... but after I've done it for a little while - i actually DO start looking forward to it! )

Friday, July 3, 2015

3 weeks til my bday

For my birthday this year, I really wanna be in the next lower weight class.

I started off this journey in weight class "G".    Oof.  I hated seeing that number.

3.1 pounds later, and i graduated to weight class "F"  Not great - but thank God I could say goodybe and farewell to class "G"!!!!

10 pounds later, and i was in "E"!   Whew!!!!   I hadn't been here in about 5 years.  so it's nice to return, though I don't want to stay very long ;)

As of last weigh in, I need to lose exactly 7.8 more pounds, and I will be in "D"  woo hooo!  It's so close and yet so far..... but THAT'S what I want for my birthday this year :)

I'm going to have to be super focused to do it. This week, I was not super focused.  So tomorrow, I have a feeling that I might be just maintaining my weight.   (i hope it's at least maintaining!!!)  so, if I maintain - i'll have that full 7.8 pounds to lose in 3 weeks.  that is NOT easy at this stage in the game.  There can be no slips.  No indulging.  I need to focus on my workouts.  Drink all my water.  Eat consistently and on plan.  I need to really want it as a birthday gift if I'm gonna get it.

I'm gonna try really hard!

My HealthyWage goal (which is 35 pounds of weight loss)  is to be at the top of weigh class "C" - and i have PLENTY of time to do that!

But my final goal (which is 45-50 pounds of weight loss)  is to be right around the middle of weight class "A".

three weeks from tomorrow, I hope I can weigh in, slide into my new weight class "D", and sing the happiest "happy birthday" to myself EVER ;)

and be a healthier, happier, and LIGHTER Lele :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Around the world in 28 posts ;)

this is just a very quick fun post.  totally silly.  and completely goofy ;)

Blogger lets you see who reads your posts in the world!

which is a pretty neat little bit of info for a mind like mine - which gets a total kick out of people in different countries reading what I write!  :)

so.... just for giggles!  I'm going to say hi to you in your language.... even if you only dropped in once and never came back again  ;)  I love you all dearly - even though I have only met a handful of you ;)

United States..... howdy do!  What's up!  Hi there :)  1110 views from the great US of A!!!  Amber waves of grain, purple mountains' majesty, from sea to shining sea.  God bless the USA :)  Love you all, you lovely citizens, you!  :)

Россия: Я не скажу "Здравствуйте", потому что я точно знаю, кто ты! Так что я могу сказать, "Привет, мой друг!!!" Я знаю, у тебя есть неприязнь читать - (hahaha), итак тринадцать посещения - это много от тебя!! Хорошего дня, и я надеюсь, что ты хорошо! Извините, если есть ошибки!  Ты знаешь что я ленивая студентка! :)  LOL!

France: Savez-vous? Je ai étudié la langue française à l'école! Mais, maintenant, je me souviens que très peu! Je dirai seulement rapidement - Bonjour! Je vous remercie de me rendre visite! :)

United Kingdom:  I want to say something really cliche and totally ridiculous!  Just to be funny!  LOL  like... Cheerio!  Hip hip,,, and all that, chap!  But - that is beneath me.  ;)   So i'll just say - Hi there!  How's the weather across the pond?  :)  Thanks for your visit, and visit ;)

Venezuela - Buenos días a ustedes encantadoras Venezolanos! Gracias por visitar mi blog! ¿Me doy una sonrisa a usted? Espero! Por lo menos, una vez! :) ¡Vuelve pronto! :)

Oh Canada!!!  Our friends up north, eh?  ;)  I loved visiting Canada on my travels, and I hope you enjoyed your visit to my blog!  I just realized that I could be also writing this in French.... but.... I think English will do just fine :)  (i hope)  ;)

Italia - Un giorno, io imparare questa lingua! Una delle più belle lingue. E bella gente, anche! Un giorno, mi recherò il tuo paese! Ma, per ora, grazie per aver visitato il mio blog :)

Slovensko - Moji predkovia. Oni boli z Československa! Pravda! Možno, že človek, ktorý čítal môj blog - je môj vzdialený príbuzný! ;) Asi nie! Ale je to zábava predstaviť! Ďakujeme Vám za Vašu návštevu! :)

Türkiye: Sen benim ilk misafirlerinden biri idi - ABD dışında! İlginiz için teşekkür ederiz, ve seni tekrar yakında benim blogu ziyaret gelmek umuyoruz! :)