Monday, July 27, 2015

$61.43 per pound

My fellow Healthy Wage member - Starr G. had an awesome post in the forums that I had to share.

She divided her prize money up per pound of weight loss!  so now - when she loses each pound - she tells herself that she just won that amount of money!

so i thought - awesome idea!!!!  i did the same with mine.

Every time I lose another pound - that's $61.43 dollars closer to $2150!!! :)

i LOVE this!!!!!  what great motivation!!!!

Thanks for sharing Starr!  :)

i had an amazing birthday yesterday!  But today - it's back on track!  This is gonna be a great year :)


  1. what forums are you in... id really like to speak with other HW members.. thanks

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi there! The forum is a private forum for HW members only. If you like, you can give me your email and I can ask members of my team to contact you - if they don't mind. Each of them all have individual wagers through HW. I will add my contact email to the top of the blog so you can send your email to me privately, if you like!


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