Tuesday, July 28, 2015

In a fog

I have no idea if it's just all in my head.... or if I'm really physically experiencing it, but I have such a foggy brain!

First, let me say - i do not regret ONE BITE of the delicious foods I ate on my birthday at my favorite Russian restaurant.

side note:  our hostess Ирина was shocked at how well I spoke Russian - and did not hesitate in speaking FAST Russian to me!! :)  I was not only able to keep up - but I was able to hold my own in responding!!!  AND our waitress Злата thought I must have lived in Russia or studied in Russia because she said my accent was "very super awesome"  hehehe  - this is a compliment more to my teachers (Olga and Vadim)  but I've worked hard too!  it was just another unexpected birthday gift!  :)

The food was just to die for!  and I had been soooo looking forward to it!  But I hadn't eaten so many carbs in a while, and I feel like my body has just been reintroduced to them in a way... LOL

and I just feel... I don't know - really - the best i can describe it is foggy.

beautiful foggy days on my mountain.... yep - i feel just like that. LOL

I'm sure my weight jumped up a bit - but I'm not at all worried.  I know it will come right back down with focus.  But I am kinda intrigued with the way that I feel mentally, physically, and even emotionally.

But to be fair - it might not be all related to carbs.  After all, I'm coming off of the high of my birthday challenge, and celebrations... and it just might be all tied together with settling back down into the daily routine.

School is right around the corner - summer is coming to an end - maybe it's just all related.

I think I just need to start looking towards the next challenge to get my engine going again!

but for now, the rest feels nice. I think I'll enjoy it for a little bit.  I worked hard and moderation in all things.  Challenge, rest, challenge, rest.  :)

But I can't wait for my next challenge!

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