and right about this point in my past weight loss attempts - i would have been counting down the moments until I could stuff my face again.
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oink. |
joking! (but not really joking.)
In the past, I've lost weight - but it's been so harrrrrrrd! cuz losing weight HAS to be hard - no??? It's been all about denial, and stomach growling, and drooling as everyone around me eats ..... WHATEVER THEY WANT.
I would dip my rice cake into low fat peanut butter and pout, convincing myself how delicious my snack was. (ever tasted cardboard with sticky, bitter paste? no? try rice cakes with low-fat peanut butter. pretty unforgettable.) sad days!
So what's different now? I have no magic pill. I have no slimming serum. I watched a few movies - did some research - found some cool websites (there is no website better than Craig's website: and I switched to keto.
Now, when I say - i "switched" to keto - i should qualify that. I toyed with it. I tried it for a few days and then spooked myself off of it for a few more days, then dabbled back into it again. (over and over) I kept waiting for it to make me gain weight. and it did not. i lost it..... without hating life.
But - for a while now, I've been pretty consistent with the concept of it.
I say concept - because.... sugar. yeah - got it! eliminated that. you remember these faces???
and low carb - yep! understand! got that too. so - imagine those faces above... times infinity. i'm a carb lover.
hmmm no. wrong word. carb addict?
not quite addict, per se. probably more like - hmmm is there a word that describes - "touch my carbs and i'll stab you between the eyes with my fork?" YEAH! that's it! That's how i feel about my carbs.
Lele's visual interpretation of my life without carbs. fairly accurate, I must say.
aye. tis true.
and so you can guess how excited I was to initially try this keto diet.
step 1. say goodbye to bread, pasta, and cereal.
*Leah looks around for sharp fork to puncture nearest forehead*
step 2. say goodbye to sugar.
*pffft. if i can say goodbye to carbs, sugar will be a cakewalk.*
step 3. eat lots and lots of fat.
*say what?*
My mind immediately imagined my funeral 4 weeks from that moment - death by bacon.
"Oh what a lovely girl, but the bacon - it surely did her in."
and then - the success stories. story after story. picture after picture.
so i tried, and i lost weight. but - i could not bring myself to pushing the fat that much. and yet..... i still lost weight!
and then i hit that plateau. and i heard from more people who also hit plateaus. how did they get out of the plateau? upped their fats. grrrrr STOP SAYING THAT!!!!
I've been dipping my toes in the keto pool, so to speak. and i can say this with absolute confidence...I HAVE CUT MY CARBS, REPLACED WITH FAT, AND HAVE NOT MISSED THEM.
scroll back up and look at those faces. those faces were absolutely reality. i am not kidding. i actually had to warn my children for days of the approaching moment when their beloved mother would turn into a soul-devouring dementor. they knew how to pray with zeal and fervor when i would plan to cut out carbs and sugar. (don't believe me? ask them!!!!)
but replacing the carbs with healthy fats has made me this girl..
so now.... eeeeeeeeee. i'm gonna do it. i'm gonna dive head-first into the fat vat, with the "up my fats" keto peeps and see what happens. I know it makes sense on paper. i got it. but now - diving in. really really gonna do it.
so brie for breakfast? sure.
and double peanut butter fat bombs for snack? why not!
(um. made them on saturday and they're pretty divine! Craig ROCKS)
and you just can't go wrong with bacon. LOL
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don't worry - it's not just fat from bacon. it's avocado, grass-fed butter, olive oils, nuts, coconut oil..... |
By the way, I have 4 weeks left in this team challenge (through - if this is your first time reading my blog - it's an amazing site!!!!) and the team that loses the most splits $10,000.
oh - and as far as my individual challenge? I'm getting oh-so-close to winning $2150!!!! yeah!!!!!
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cracking up at her face!!!! LOL |
so.... fingers crossed? For the last 4 weeks of this team challenge - I'm gonna give it all I got. Exercise. Carb-shunning. Fat ingesting. (and hopefully fat burning!!!!)
BUT - i think it will take some time to really see the results, so.... i'm holding off on posting videos and weight change. I might even hold off until the very end! (Nov 20!!) I'm not sure yet. I don't want to spook myself out of really giving it a true shot - so i'm going to just keep going one day at a time, and praying (seriously praying hard!) that this works!!!
This keto baby is ready to grow into an amazingly fit keto toddler.
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Solid, baby. yeahhhhhh. ;) |
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