Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 5 - Is Healthy Wage a scam?

Um - i already placed my bet, so I sure hope not!  LOL

But I really did a lot of research going into it - so I really didn't think they were.

And!  I just got word back from the guy on the forum that I mentioned yesterday?  the one that I pestered with all my annoying questions?  LOL

Well he responded to them all kindly!  He assured everyone in the forums that he wasn't a paid participant... hehehe which - isn't that just what a paid participant would say?  (just kidding G!)

He seems TOTALLY legit!!! He told me really awesome specific details about how fast his prize winnings were deposited and fees that paypal took out and just seems like an all-around nice guy!

So i'm thinking - that doesn't really answer any skeptic's questions??  Cuz a skeptic is going to be skeptical of everything I wrote so far anyway. The only thing I can do is come back in April of next year and tell you that I got MY prize and it's all legitimate!

so - i'll do that for you WHEN i win.  cuz i'm totally winning! :)

Ok - so for anyone who is reading this wanting to know about Healthy Wage - seems for real - haven't seen anything to the contrary - and I'm a test subject in the making!  You can come back in April to get the end of my story! ;)


I'm about to jump on the treadmill and do a little treadmill dancing.  hehehe have you ever seen that?  SOOO fun!  people do little routines on the treadmill and make walking on it more interesting.  I don't follow a routine... i just play around on it and get my heart rate moving!  you can youtube some treadmill dances to check it out!  If you try it - PLEASE make sure that you don't do it on a really fast moving treadmill!  LOL it's gotta be on a slower treadmill so you don't go flying off the end! hahaha

here's a really technical one... i couldn't do it but fun to watch!
Josh David - treadmill dance to Taylor Swift's Shake It Off

here's a cute one - swing dancers!!! totally easy for you to try but still fun!!! LOL
Two guys swing dancing on a treadmill

Anyway - the point is..... have fun with whatever you're doing!!!  If your exercise gets boring - switch it up!  Walking on the treadmill for miles and miles can drag on for an eternity -  but dancing on the treadmill can breathe new life into your exercise.

Just try to have fun!

Later taters!  ;)
gotta go dance!

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